Sunday 15 May 2016

Hassan and Abdul

Last Friday, these two young men, Mohammed Hassan Ali bin Isa and Abdul-Jalil al-Arbash, died after stopping an suicide bomber dressed as a woman from entering a mosque in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Let us take a moment to appreciate what these two brave men did: knowing they would likely be blown to pieces, they went ahead and stopped the suicide bomber from killing even more people than he achieved. I don't know what would have gone on in their minds during their final moments:
  1. the eyes of their mother giving them a lunchbox for school? 
  2. Their fathers' broad smile when they made him feel proud? 
  3. A sister's laughter? 
  4. Their girlfriend's voice when they last had a fight and perhaps never knew that was their last conversation? 
I don't know. What I do know is that these men are heroes and examples for all of us, I hope their families have the courage and wisdom to make it through the grief quickly and painlessly. And I hope they can see that in this hour of unimaginable tragedy, strangers do appreciate what these heroes did, and we do care for them. Here is to Hassan and Abdul



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